Dear Windows XP,
So this is how it feels to feel abandoned? That is the question you have to be asking yourself this morning. For the last 4549 days you have been a constant workhorse for PCs around the world and this morning Microsoft has decided that you are no longer worthy of support.
I remember the first time I meet you. I was a 20 something systems admin who was in love with Redhat 7.1 and I thought you were going to be the end of the enterprise operating system. A few service packs later you were a solid work horse who did her job without any real complaints.
You have been great to me and my career. I owe you a lot and until Windows 7 came out you had been what I have used and supported nearly every day of my life for 10 years (I am still sorry about that fling I had with Vista in 2007. She was shiny, pretty and had so much promise. I am wrong and glad we can move on.).
I know you will live on in unprepared and underfunded schools, banks and grandparents systems for the next 10 years but I am going to miss you. Thanks for all the good memories you gave me and thanks for taking me this far in my career!
Yours Truly,
Jerry Gamblin