Exploring OSQuery With Jupyter

I have been spending a lot of time over the last few weeks looking at the OSQuery to get a better understanding of what it can do since it seems every major security tool from Sophos to Cisco to CarbonBlack is building it into their product.

I have also been looking at Juypter notebooks for machine learning and data science work recently and decided to build a notebook to help explain and show the power of OSquery on MacOS.

This notebook is here and is a WIP that I hope to expand over the next few weeks. Right now it runs 12 queries and displays the data in a data frame.

Here is an example of the displaying logged in users:

Here is the OS Version:

Quick Notes

  • This is built for macOS
    • I will try to build for Windows, RHEL, and Ubuntu soon.
  • You can run the query found in commands = [] directly on the command line and get JSON back.
  • If you have any questions please reach out to me on twitter @jgamblin.

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