The Free Back to School PC Tune-Up

It is that time to get your PC back in shape for another grueling academic year. I have put together a simple and FREE PC Tune-up you can do to make your PC preform a lot better:

Use OpenDNS

I am a huge fan of OpenDNS for their malware protection alone.   This free service stops your machine from accessing known malware and virus sites automatically without you even knowing it happening.

You can get started using OpenDNS Here.

Secunia PSI

Secunia PSI makes sure all your application stays up to date automatically.   Having up to date software stops a lot of the hacking attacks and just makes your PC run  better.

You can download Secunia Here.

Microsoft Security Essentials

PLEASE, NEVER BUY ANTI VIRUST SOFTWARE FOR YOU HOME.  In 2009 Microsoft started giving away Microsoft Security Essentials.  Its just as good (if not better) than the software that you are paying for.

You can download Microsoft Security Essentials here.

If you install and use these three programs your computer will love you and help you through the next school year.s

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